Jennifer Aniston was the 'special' guest on the season opener of Oprah today. As everyone already knew, Jen stayed with Oprah at her mansion in Montecito last weekend. On the show, Oprah was complaining about how the paparazzi showed up and wouldn't leave them alone. She joked around with Jen that she brought them there and that Oprah was leading a peaceful life before that.
Anyway, Jen never mentioned Brad's name once (or Angelina's).
I hate to admit this but Jen looked fantastic! Perfect faux bronze + perfect makeup. She had her hair highlighted and parted down the middle - blonde but not too blonde. It was blown out straight in the front but wavy (her natural style) in the back. She was wearing a very cool, black, button down shirt (I couldn't tell if it was half-sleeved or if she had the sleeves rolled up), blue jeans, great stiletto boots (to the ankled not to the knee) and a great watch (was that a Cartier?). If anyone knows who designed her clothes, shoes and watch, please let me know. I'd love to know!
Oprah spent a small amount of the billions she has to redesign the studio. It looks good, very showy and even changes colors just like at a rock concert. She had pictures of Jen everywhere including ones from her Vanity Fair article. In fact, a huge picture of Jen made up two huge walls which opened slightly to allow Jen to walk her way to Oprah in the middle.
Again, she looked great. At the beginning of the show, Jen presented Oprah with a gift box which contained two crystal flutes. A waiter appeared with champagne and they toasted to the new studio - kind of lame. Not to Oprah's 20th year on TV , or to her new puppies, or because of her help with Katrina victims (Oprah announced she's giving $10 million) - no just for the studio. Whatever. They both starting drinking and reminisced a little about the weekend they spent together where they drank a lot (Jen brought a few of her closest non-celebrity friends) and of course, Oprah's fave gal pal, Gayle, was in attendance.
Things Jennifer Aniston revealed:
She's looking forward to the unknown;
She loves sunsets and has a photo album from the 'old' house with 10 years' worth of sunset photos;
She wants to date;
She has always wanted children but wouldn't say how many she wants because that's part of the 'unknown' and again, she's looking forward to the unknown (she kept repeating this);
She doesn't sleep much these days (she doesn't know why; um, how about stress????) ;
She wakes up looking forward to things like coffee;
Clive Owen (her co-star) in Derailed is a good kisser; and
She didn't hook up with Vince (but those exact words never came out of her mouth; Oprah asked her directly, 'did you make out with Vince?', and Jen never answered; I'm sure she made out with him while filming the movie so if she said no, then you know she'd be lying).
Oprah didn't like the movie because she doesn't like psychological thrillers (they screened the movie the weekend they had their 'slumber party.' Oprah said she didn't want to watch all of it and needed the movie to be over and for someone to just tell her what happens because she couldn't take it anymore).
Jen was only on for one-third of the show or about 20 minutes. Before she left, she also admitted that her favorite pig-out food is Mexican and that her favorite drink is a dirty martini (love those too!). Oprah did a 'shout out' and told the audience that they should all have a dirty martini weekend but I'm certain she just meant Jen and Oprah.