NYC Gossip Girl

Life in NY - It's Not All Sex and The City


Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Lindsay Lohan: Druggie, Bulimic and Mom?

Lindsay Hohan has admitted to what most everyone knew: that she was a cokehead. Duh. How did you think she stayed so skinny?

The fact that she was a bulimic is also not surprising.

Hohan tells all (or nearly all) in an upcoming issue of Vanity Fair.
Here's the cover picture:

Here's what she used to look like - skeletor:

Here's what she looks like now - two days before her 'collapse' (again) and hospital stay (again)

And here's a photo of groceries being delivered to her hospital room. Notice the Cocoa Puffs, EPT pregnancy test and Coke (the drink not the drug). This is why dark bags should be used! So the world doesn't see what you're up to! *photo from Best Week Ever blog


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