NYC Gossip Girl

Life in NY - It's Not All Sex and The City


Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Don't Believe the Hype - Jennifer Aniston is not with Vince Vaughn

It's understandable that Jen wants/needs love; who doesn't? We all know that Jen is hurt - she told the world this when she was on Oprah's season opener (and in countless other interviews).

But we also know that celebrities want to keep their private lives private. So why would Jen and Vince hang out on a balcony for hours?

In order to attract as much paparazzi as possible and hence, generate enough buzz/publicity for their respective movies/careers. This is a no brainer.

Besides, rumor has it that Vince likes his 'martinis with a twist' and not 'straight' up.

photos courtesy of hollywoodrag


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