NYC Gossip Girl

Life in NY - It's Not All Sex and The City


Monday, March 14, 2005

La Hohan

Was innocently walking through my neighborhood this morning when what should I see but movie permit posters plastered all throughout the trees. Hmm, looks like they were going to be filming something entitled Lady Lucky. I imdb'd it and it is a Lindsey Lohan flick, how lucky for us. Walked past 7th Avenue (and the Monster) in the direction of 6th and lo and behold there was La Hohan walking out of her trailer with a flock of paparazzi and tourists (mostly Asian) waiting to zap her soul.

Later on today, at around 6:30 pm, I walk by Christopher and 7th Ave and I spy La Hohan filming a scene inside the Riv (the unofficial home of Boston Red Sox fans). It's hard to miss her with her bright red hair and brown spotty skin coupled with the crowd of admirers, everyone from horny male teens to gay queens to old geezers all hoping to catch a glimpse of ms. Hohan. Of course, I stuck around to gawk too.

She didn't look cute at all, kind of looked emaciated and her red hair was kind of freaky looking. She was wearing a muddy pink trenchcoat and jeans and filmed a scene near the window of the restaurant (not the bar side) with a nerdy looking balding dude who was wearing a suit and bowtie. She kept taking his french fries or something like that and talking to him while he sat down trying to enjoy his meal. Burly cameraman was blocking our view each time the scene was over and playfully poking her in the back. Hmm, guess her flirting with older men continues...


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