NYC Gossip Girl

Life in NY - It's Not All Sex and The City


Friday, February 18, 2005


What's worse than waking up at 7am to have to go to work? Getting booty-called at 7am! And not by the boy you have a crush on. Sigh.

Women would never be able to get away with such lascivious behavior.

Since I was up, I had no choice but to hit the gym. Lo and behold, there was Keanu, on my tv screen, bien sur. Appearing on CBS news, he looked divine and was charming even if he repeated the same non-personal information: No, Constantine is not like Neo, Yes, I asked my mom if I could be an actor ("Mother, may I be an actor?"), etc. But the most important question should have been, so where are you staying while in NYC and what are you doing tonight?

I had no choice but to go in search of Keanu as best I could. I ventured to Pastis for a leisurely late breakfast. Alas, Keanu was not there but a lovely German couple was and they bought me a drink. Isn't that lovely? I should note that it was after 12pm, so technically, it was okay. After my drink, I dialed the boy who had the audacity to wake me up so early this morning. Of course, he didn't pick up. He was probably still asleep. I thought I would return the favor with a wake up call of my own, but I got voicemail. I left an enticing message and hung up. Boring, I know. Of course, I haven't heard back. So typical.

Good gossip of the day? Haven't heard/read any yet but I have to recommend a divine little site, Wow! Simply amazing. This site is devoted to celebrities and the physical transformations they have gone through, both good and bad. What would we do without old photos of celebrities? We'd have no evidence of who they used to be.

The most surprising bit of information? Paris Hilton is neither a real blonde nor blue-eyed! I think everyone knows that she dyes her hair platinum blonde, but the fake eye color? I don't think this is mainstream information. I don't know why I'm so surprised, but I am. Guess it's because she makes a big deal about her looks; she is so far from natural. But you have to give her credit. She went from being a chubby brunette with brown eyes, to America's most famous slutty celeb (blonde and blue-eyed, of course). The American Dream at it's finest.

It's 1:30pm. Nap time. Need to rest before going out tonight. Will hopefully see Keanu. At least I can dream about him...


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