NYC Gossip Girl

Life in NY - It's Not All Sex and The City


Sunday, November 20, 2005

Harry Potter # 1

Harry Potter scared up an impressive $101.4 million this weekend. I saw the movie and I have to say that I enjoyed it even though there were some genuinely scary parts - Ralph Fiennes is hideously gross and unrecognizable as Lord Valdemort.

Weekend Box Office - November 18 to 20
1. Harry Potter - $101.4 million - impressive opening
2. Walk the Line - $22 million - favorable reviews for strong performances and early talk of Oscars
3. Chicken Little - $14.8 million - nearing the $100 million mark within its 3rd week of release
4. Derailed - $6.5 million - aptly named flick continues to decline sharply and dilute the earnings power of its Friend's star
5. Zathura - $5.1 million - Jumanji wannabe gets leftover Harry and Chicken crowd

It is interesting to note that "Pride and Prejudice" was in 10th place earning $2.1 million in limited release - very impressive. Jane Austen continues to be a worthwhile literary excursion even if we have the sexed-up version (the Brits have the tamer version of the movie but due to protests, they will get an edited version that includes the all-important Darcy/Elizabeth kiss).


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